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The Importance of Dog Harnesses for Car

The Importance of Dog Harnesses for Car

Seat belt safety has been underrated to date. Many dogs get injured or killed every year as a result of accidentally jumping off the window of a vehicle. A dog car harness importance must be taken more seriously. These super excited creatures tend to hang out recklessly from car windows. You want your dear pup to be safe and secure. More so, you want to feel carefree while driving the car if you and your pup are the only ones in the car. Thus, some restraints are necessary. 

Unrestrained Dogs Could Cost Much 

Being concerned in the right places helps in preventing much pain and distress to your loving dog. It could be negligence of a few minutes when you overlook a dog car harness importance but it could cost you much. Accidentally falling out of the window could cause fractured bones and torn muscles for your dog. And this could be heavy on your pockets too. Take a few minutes to ensure they are safely secured in place and save yourself some bucks. More importantly, save your dog from the probable pain. 

Dog Car Harness Importance 

Dogs are curious animals. They love to explore and stretch their limits. This can be dangerous in case they do so in a moving vehicle. They do not know when to stop and could at times hang out more than they should. Thus they could fall off the window. Dogs also tend to get frightened or startled at some unexpected noises, or sudden jerks while driving. This makes them attempt to jump out of the car. Their reasoning is not like ours although we may want to believe so. Hence the importance of seat belt safety for dogs.

Besides the probability of dogs jumping out the windows of a moving car, they can also cause a distraction to certain drivers at times. This could lead to unnecessary collisions or accidents. Using dog car harnesses secures your dog in place and helps keep injuries at bay. Besides, he does not harm others out of unexpected jumping. So, if you want safety for every journey your pooch undertakes, keep it protected.

Considerations When Buying Dog Car Harnesses

You might want to know the factors you must consider while choosing a dog harness for your cute pooch. Here are some points for help.

  • Material- When talking of dog car harness importance, while buying equipment for the same, you will come across many alternatives in terms of material used. All have pros and cons. For example, nylon despite being a sturdy material could be hard and could scratch dogs. Thus you must be careful while choosing. Polyester being smoother than cotton, could be preferred for softness but it is less durable. Thus choose well according to your preferences. 
  • Size- Needless to say, size must be considered in the first place when selecting a dog restraint. Once you understand a dog car harness importance, you must choose a perfect fit for your dog. 

Types of  Dog Harnesses

There are a few features you could keep in mind when looking for a seat belt for your furry friend. They are:

  • Comfort- Look for comfortable material, even if you have to compromise on durability as comfort comes first. Otherwise, your dog could get restless and revolt against being fenced in. However, there are a variety of seat belts in the market today which are comfortable yet durable. Thus you will not have a problem in making a decision. 
  • Security- A secure, crash-tested harness will keep your dog in place with no chances of accidental breakage. If your pup tries to wiggle out of the harness, it will not give in by breaking. 
  • Adjustability- choose a harness that is easy to adjust. Adjustability is a factor that can be crucial for growing pups. They will need more adjustable space. If the belt is easily adjustable, it will fit in easily throughout the growing years. Also, it saves time for you as you can secure them up pretty fast.
  • Chew-Proof- these are car harnesses made of braided metal. If your pooch is a chewer, he might as well need this one to keep him in place. So go for this option. 
  • Harness with the fluorescent strip- This harness could be used for more visibility if you are travelling at night and want to make sure you can check your pooch frequently to ascertain it is in place. 

Whichever product you choose, the fact that you have acknowledged a dog car harness importance is appreciable. It is in the interest of drivers, fellow travellers, and dogs of course. You can choose a harness that best suits you from the vast variety of dog accessories at Dog-Friendly Co. 

In conclusion

You can make sure your dog is safe and comfortable on car journeys. You just need to pay attention to tucking it in. For that, make sure you choose the best harness. You will lose nothing. Rather, your beloved pup would be safe and you would be carefree. Be aware of the dog car harness importance and enjoy the ride